You have many options for downloading and managing your downloads from within your browser. Some are faster, offer multiple file options, and have additional organization features that the built-in browser’s downloaded panel does not.

However, there are tools that can do only one or two things at once.

Select is a Chrome extension that allows you to select one or more download bulk url opener and gives you the choice of opening the links or downloading them. Although there are many similar extensions, select is unique because it allows you to select links visually and with a few mouse clicks.

After installing the extension you will see the Select symbol in the top-right corner of the add-on panel. You will find a label saying “Start link selection” if you hover over this icon. Before you select links, click on this label.

A set of instructions will be displayed at the bottom of your browser screen after you click the Select button.

You can draw a rectangle around any links you wish to select, as shown. The highlighted links will be highlighted in yellow. You can then either hit Enter to open selected links in the current window or shift + enter to open them in a new one. Or, you can click “Alt + Enter”, to download them.

You can use the H key to scroll down, or to remove the pop-up boxes.


Which browsers are supported?

Multiple URL Openers can be used with any browser that supports JavaScript. This includes all major browsers, such as Internet Explorer and Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Opera, Midori, Opera, Chrome, Opera, Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Chrome.


How to Open Multiple Links At Once from Excel

Multiple hyperlinks can be opened in one cell if they are all contained within the same cell. These are the steps for opening multiple hyperlinks in Excel. It is not uncommon to have multiple sections of hyperlinks when working with large Excel files. This is especially true when you add source links to your Excel files or are scraping data from the internet. You can open links from Excel by using the “Ctrl Click” method. When you click on the hyperlink in a cell, it will open in your default browser. This method has one limitation: you can only open one hyperlink at a given time.