Businesses are rapidly moving toward digitization and adopting new measures for ensuring that they are attracting a huge customer base. Alongside bringing innovations, financial industries and banks are compelled to ensure AML compliance. Regulatory authorities have imposed certain regulations like Bank Secrecy Act, 6AMLD, and FATF set standards. However, criminals are seen to have continuously breached the securities by creating fake identities. Financial institutions require more robust solutions for preventing and deterring criminal threats. 

Therefore, financial institutions and banks need authentic and seamless AML solutions for more than one reason. Mainly to detect suspiciousness in time, restrict fraudulent access, counter identity fraud, and minimize the chances of hefty non-compliance penalties. The new AI and ML-driven services are less prone to errors and verify customers’ identities in real-time. Moreover, they detect liveness to ensure that the client is actually present behind the screen and in the real world. This blog covers the components of the AML program and ceratin measures that financial institutions take. 

AML Security – What Do the Automated Solutions Offer to Financial Institutions?

Automated AML security systems are advanced and offer accurate and authentic verification which makes sit easy for the finance and banking sector to onboard legit customers. For this, the businesses are adopting advanced technologies to counter money laundering and terrorism financing, strictly implement regulations, and strengthen internal as well as external operations. Businesses with strong and hard to breach AML screening are less likely to experience fraudulent access, non-compliance fines, and identity theft. Hence, AI and ML-based services use data extraction, analytics, liveness detection, and facial verification to not only verify customers but also keep track of their activities. 


As the digitally transforming technologies are becoming more prevalent, Shufti Pro Funding indicates that the businesses are vesting their resources actively in these solutions.  This is because of the following services:

  1. Verification and Legit Customers’ Onboarding

The digital AML monitoring systems enable financial institutions to verify their customer’s identities in time with fewer errors involved. Moreover, this has minimized the chances of mistyped information as well as imposters registration. The automated solutions use OCR technology for data extraction that identifies any tampering within the documents. And mathematical algorithms map the face while carrying out biometric recognitions. Therefore, it makes it impossible for criminals to dodge identity verification. 

  1. Detects Suspeciosuness in Time 

Criminals are undoubtedly becoming sophisticated and technologically equipped which has compelled the financial and bank sector to adopt robust AML solutions. Over the decades, the fraudulent attempts have dramatically increased costing the world over $2 trillion annually. On the contrary, digital platforms are equipping financial institutions with improved solutions that detect suspicious and fraudulent activities in time securing the legit operations all the way.

  1. Carries out Risk-assessment of Customers 

Digital KYC and AML verification enable financial businesses to use a risk assessment while registering and validating customers. Risk assessment maps the clients’ histories, and transaction records, and cross-match the identities against Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs), sanctions, and offender lists.  

  1. Provides Authentic Verification of Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBOs)

Imposters or fraudulent business owners most of the time keep their UBOs hidden to dodge the financial institutions screening. They do this to hide their source of income and fund transfers. This technique is massively used for terrorism financing and money laundering. However, businesses using digital and automated AML services are less likely to fall prey. 

  1. Transformed the Conventional Methods Beneficially 

Digital anti money laundering solutions have brought about various beneficial transformations to the traditional customer verification methods. Among all the innovations, the most appraising the speeding up of the process, elimination of human-based errors, and authentic verification. Customers are asked to upload their documents along with real-time selfies to ensure there is nothing left unattended. 

Why Does the Financial Institutions and Banking Sector Need Automated AML Systems?

Banks are considered to be the most crucial part of the financial system, primarily because they monitor and keep track of translation, store customers’ funds and assets, and identify criminals. This is the most important for any bank because if they fail to provide security, safety, and privacy, there are fewer chances that customers will develop long-term relationships. If seen otherwise, the banking sector is the most prone to criminal threats especially money laundering, account takeover, terrorism financing, and identity theft. 

Therefore, financial and banking sectors require seamless anti-money laundering verification solutions. As Shufti Pro News indicates. These services help ensure information, ensure regulatory compliance and customer satisfaction. 

In a Nutshell

Technological transformation has shifted payment, funds transfer, and other money-involved activities online. However, where financial institutions are providing seamless operations and less-time consuming experience to customers, they can not leave AML compliance behind. Therefore, automated AML solutions are in line to enable financial institutions and banking sector to combat financial crimes while providing greater efficiency.