There are several ways to save money on health coverage. These tips include shopping around and checking your medical bills for errors. You should also practice healthy habits and assess your own financial capabilities. To save more money, you can also choose an In-Network Cost-Sharing plan. This plan applies only to services in the network, so you can save money on surgeries and procedures.
Shop around
If you haven’t already done so, shop around for health coverage to save money on your premiums. The average premium increase in Pennsylvania is 10.5%, which can really hurt anyone’s pocketbook. When you receive a notice of a premium increase, you should take this opportunity to shop around for lower-cost insurance.
Check medical bills for errors
One of the most effective ways to save money on health coverage is to check medical bills for errors. You can do this by contacting the provider or insurance company and discussing the charges. If you find errors, you may even be able to negotiate with the provider. You can also hire a medical billing advocacy firm to negotiate with the provider on your behalf. Some employers offer this service, but you can also hire one on your own.
There are two types of errors that can show up on your medical bill: intentional billing mistakes and accidental billing mistakes. Some inaccuracies are due to the fact that the provider did not send the bills to the insurance company in a timely manner, while others are unintentional. Regardless of the reason, errors on medical bills are often a big problem, and they can cost you money over time.
Shop around for a plan with a high deductible
Health coverage plans with high deductibles are often cheaper than plans without deductibles. They can be beneficial for people who have low health care costs or are younger. In some cases, these plans also let you deposit money in a Health Savings Account before your insurance company begins to pay for care. However, deductible amounts vary from plan to plan, so you should compare prices to find the one that best meets your needs and budget.
While HDHPs are designed to encourage people to shop around for health care, too few people do it. People with high deductible plans often neglect to compare prices, don’t talk to providers about costs, and don’t take the necessary steps to make sure they’re getting the best care possible.