Every culture has its unique way of expressing grief, mourning the departed, and celebrating the life that once was. As the world continues to globalize, it’s essential to be knowledgeable and respectful of the diverse ways people say goodbye to their loved ones. In doing so, we recognize the universal truth that death, although a part of life, is a poignant reminder of the transient nature of our existence. 

In this blog post, we journey across the globe, offering a glimpse into varied funeral practices and how different cultures commemorate those who’ve passed away.

The West: Traditional Christian And Secular Funerals

The West, primarily influenced by Christian traditions, often holds funerals in churches or funeral homes. The service involves prayers, hymns, and eulogies. Often, the body is buried in a cemetery, although cremation is becoming increasingly common. 

It’s customary to send flowers or a sympathy card as the way to express your condolences. In recent times, secular or non-religious funerals are also gaining traction. These ceremonies focus more on the life of the deceased rather than religious practices.

India: The Hindu Cremation Rituals

Hindu funerals typically take place on the banks of a river, highlighting the importance of water in purifying the soul. The deceased’s body is draped in white and adorned with flowers. Close family members walk around the body, offering rice as a symbol of sustenance for the journey ahead. Cremation is the primary method of disposal, as Hindus believe that fire purifies and releases the soul, facilitating its reincarnation.

Japan: Buddhist Farewell

Japanese funeral practices are deeply rooted in Buddhism. The body is cleaned, dressed in white, and placed in a coffin with personal items and memorabilia. The ceremony is a blend of Shinto and Buddhist customs, involving chanting of sutras and incense burning. 

After the funeral, cremation is common, and the ashes are placed in a family grave, a practice symbolizing family unity even in death.

Ghana: Dance And Celebration

In Ghana, funerals are lively events infused with music, dance, and bright colors. While mourning the dead, Ghanaians also emphasize celebrating the life lived. The coffins are often designed in unique shapes, reflecting the deceased’s interests or profession. For instance, a fisherman might be buried in a fish-shaped coffin.

Mexico: Day Of The Dead

While not strictly a funeral practice, the Day of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) is a testament to Mexico’s unique approach to death. It’s a vibrant celebration where families create altars adorned with marigolds, candles, and photographs, remembering and celebrating their departed loved ones. It is a fusion of indigenous beliefs and Catholic traditions.

Tibet: Sky Burials

In some parts of Tibet, a sky burial is a common funeral practice. The body is left on mountaintops, exposing it to the elements and scavenging birds. This practice is rooted in the belief of life’s impermanence and the idea of giving back to nature. It signifies the circle of life and death.

New Zealand: Māori Tangihanga

The Māori people of New Zealand have a funeral custom called tangihanga. The body is laid in a marae (communal or sacred place) and stays there for several days, allowing people to pay their respects. Songs, dances, and stories are shared, recounting the life of the departed. The community comes together, offering support and strength to the grieving family.

Madagascar: Famadihana – Turning Of The Bones

Once every seven years, the Malagasy people of Madagascar partake in a unique ancestral ritual called Famadihana. Families exhume the remains of their deceased loved ones, wrap them in fresh cloth, and dance with the corpses to live music. This celebration strengthens community bonds and ensures ancestors are remembered and honored.


Death, as a universal truth, brings with it an array of rituals and practices as varied as the cultures they originate from. While the customs differ, the essence remains the same: paying respect to the departed and finding ways to cope with the loss. By understanding and appreciating these diverse practices, we not only enrich our global perspective but also find comfort in the shared human experience of grief, remembrance, and celebration of life. 

Whether it’s sending flowers to express condolences in the West or dancing with the deceased’s remains in Madagascar, every culture offers a unique lens through which we can view the journey of life and the inevitable farewell that awaits us all.